Thursday, May 12, 2005

School's out...

Thanks to Jack for reminding me that, what with GCSEs coming up, now won't be the best time for starting a School Wargaming Club to distract them.

Of course, although I was only vaguely aware of this (GCSEs being thankfully no more than a distant memory for me and still a long way off for my son), it actually works in my favour. Because it takes a while to set these things up, to arrange the agreements and rules and parameters, and aiming for a start date of September seems like a good plan to me.

The other advantage is that my wife is considerably more supportive of this idea than of seeing her kitchen invaded by marauding teenagers on a weekly basis (funny, that). I should add that its not just a fear for the best china that motivates my dearly beloved. She sees me helping to set up a school club as much more of a real contribution to the community. She thinks there aren't enough good clubs and activities run in state schools and if we stay in this area then this school might even be the one that my little boy goes to one day...

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