Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Small Victories

Meeting number 2 saw us achieve a 50% increase in our total turnout and we managed a whole 3 people!

So that's me, Moz and Steve.

But I brought minis and rules and Steve brought green felt and terrain and I introduced them both the illicit joy that is Inquisitor. We enjoyed it so much that when we looked at our watches, it was a quarter past eleven, we'd missed Last Orders and run over our official occupancy time of half past ten.

But it's a definite start! I am now wondering how best to coordinate the club's efforts so that people can see what's going on and what's going to be available to play at each meeting. I'm thinking of a Yahoo! Group, but whether that's necessarily the best way ahead, I'm not sure.

But now I have a club, I guess it's time to head back to the GCN and ask their advice...

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